Friday, October 2, 2009


Name : Lamp garnish
price : about US$5
shop : "Gubug Sungging Art" available in handycraft
address: Street RA. Kartini 57 Jatisari krapyak Tahunan-Jepara

Name : Candle garnish
Price : about US$2
shop : Gubug Sungging Art
Descriptions: lets make your candle no simplify again. you look in the under, that's fungi. the fungi made from coral. and where is the candle place? in the up. you look the wire in the fungi's back, lets go up, go up, you can find the candle place in there. the brown color.


do you have seen the coral craft like that?
it is just one from all coral craft that you can find in Kartini beach, Jepara Town. some kind of it's coral craft is tissue box (like in the up), vas, accessories, etc. the price of Tissue Box about US$4/item.
you can choose anycoralcraft do you want in Kartini beach directly with bergain price.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mug Closer

Name : Mug closer
price : about US$ 1,00 per 12 pc (Rp 10.000,00 per 12 biji)
Store : Yogyakarta

Sunday, May 17, 2009

"66" Super Mini Bandung Cake

Bandung cake this one is different from the usual bandung cakes. Bandung cake "66" super mini has a more tender texture and in a single package we can taste a variety suitable taste. Bandung cake "66" which in Semarang can be found the branch bandung cake "66" located in Jepara shop in front of General Hospital Kartini Jepara.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rattan crafts

Name : Handycraft and hand bag
Store : Sugeng Rattan
Location : Jl. Sultan Agung Rt:08 Rw:01 Teluk Wetan Welahan Jepara

wood statue

Name : wood carving statue
Location : Jepara
So interest decoration for your beautiful house.

Traditional Troso cloth

In addition troso woven cloth and batik cloth coast, in the village Troso of Jepara city also some key variety of beautiful fabrics made from troso.

Garden Furniture

Name : Garden furniture
Price :about US$38.4/chair and US$160/table(Rp 384.000,00/unit of chair and Rp1.600.000/unit of table)
Store : Kursi Taman
Location : Jepara
Garden chair combination with iron is simple as garden ornament in your home.

Enceng Gondok furniture

Name : Enceng Gondok furniture
Price : about US$ 450 (Rp 4500.000,00)
Store : Sinar Jaya Antiques
Location : Jepara
Enceng Gondok plants (Clotalaria sp) does not has commercial high value. But now, through the creative hands enceng gondok plants have a high commercial value.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

R.A. kartini museum

Raden Ajeng Kartini is a heroine who is familiar with the struggle of emancipation of women. Kartini was born on 21 April 1879 in the village Mayong Jepara. Kartini also popular with the letters that had been developed by friend, JH Abendanon entitled 'Door duistenis tot licht' (Out dark, come light). R.A. Kartini died on 17 september 1904, 4 days after birth to first child together Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat, Raden Mas susalit. Her tomb in Rembang, in the city because after she married, she living in the residence of her husband.
Now R.A. Kartini enshrined in the museum R.A. Kartini in the city of Jepara. Price 1 ticket of R.A. Kartini museum Rp 1,000.00.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Horta Dolls with his grow grass hair

The dolls generally only as toys and accessories. Making funny dolls that generally comes from the plume with cotton in it
. But now, the dolls have been found interesting also instructive than that maked by a group of students from the Agriculture of Bogor Institute (Institut Pertanian Bogor(IPB)). The dolls are called Horta.
Horta is a puppet doll that has a unique life in the grass on his head. Create a doll that is more interesting than the other dolls are dolls has grow grass hair.
How to treat this doll is very easy, first behind the doll's body and put his head into the water for about 1 hour. Then place the doll into the vessel. After that brings water to head dolls for 2 times a day. At 1 the first week, avoid dolls from direct sunlight. And after about 1 week, grass will grow on the head Horta dolls.
Horta dolls was first marketed in the province of Central Java and Jepara. The price start from about US$ 1 for the small size and higher prices according to the size of the doll.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jepara's durian fruits market

Generally, the durian fruits is known by the public is durian fruits that came from Palembang Sumatra and Bangkok Thailand. But a small town located north of the province of Central Java is Jepara has long been the Jepara's Durian fruits market. Durian fruits market, located in the village Ngabul Jepara district this day-to-day selling fruit durian. This market than is supported by many consumers, in addition to the many durian trees in the city of Jepara, especially in the village Ngabul. Usually sold durian comes from the owner to the distributor to be sold by vendors in the Durian fruits market. Durian price offered is usually ranging from US$ 2 to US$ 5 even more dependent on the durian fruit itself. Do not worry about the price, because the market is very Durian Ngabul valid bargaining system. So the price you earn also depends on the strength of your bargaining.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Petis Sauce

Similar but not the same, Petis saucevalmost same with soy sauce but it's so different. Petis sauce savory and salty taste is also more viscous and the color does not black. Material Petis from fish . Petis way of making gravy is to poach the fish until the fish liquid, so the rest is used as a sauce Petis.

Petis sauce can be used as a side dish of rice and can be used as salad this can be found in traditional markets Jepara.

But the law itself Petis consume the sauce is still in debate. The sauce can be lawful petis (be consumed) and haram (not allowed consumption) depends on the production process.

Petis of that sauce is fish separated from it's feces, whereas that haram Petis sauce is fish not separated from it's feces.

So, when should you wish to purchase sauce Petis the start price of 500 rupiah this, check with your retailer about the sauce Petis.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nuts of Jepara

This one nuts do not miss when visiting the city of Jepara. Jepara is a typical peanut Oven, nuts with a savory taste that is a unique blend of sweet with salty that is not easy to forget. Beans Oven is generally tasty and make a soft peanut lovers Oven not bored for consumption. Legumes, nuts oven can we meet in the centers of food typical Jepara.

Generally making peanut oven consists of materials, including:

1. peanut choice
2. white sand washed clean
3. flavors: garlic, salt, and sugar.

How to make :

1. beans that have been selected to be washed clean first.
2. after the bean is bean-flavored
3. then inserted into the frying pan using white as the oil sands.

Among the brands that peanut oven production of "Mulya Jaya" which now has reached the stage, exportation and find a distributor to distribute its products both in and outside the country. And there are also brand peanut Oven "Tahunan Putra" which you can find in the store nuts Oven "Nut's" the price of US$1.

Kacang yang satu ini jangan sampai anda lewatkan ketika berkunjung ke kota Jepara yang terletak di bagian paling utara propinsi Jawa Tengah. Kacang khas Jepara adalah kacang Oven, kacang yang gurih dengan rasa yang unik yaitu perpaduan antara manis dengan asin yang tak mudah di lupakan. Kacang Oven yang umumnya gurih dan empuk membuat pecinta kacang Oven tidak bosan mengkonsumsinya. Kacang-kacang oven ini dapat kita temui di sentra-sentra makanan khas Jepara.

Umumnya pembuatan kacang oven terdiri dari bahan-bahan pilihan, yaitu:
  1. kacang tanah pilihan
  2. pasir putih yang telah dicuci bersih
  3. bumbu-bumbunya yaitu: bawang putih, garam, penyedap rasa dan gula pasir.
Cara pembuatannya:
  1. kacang yang sudah dipilih dicuci bersih dahulu.
  2. setelah itu kacang-kacang tersebut dibumbui
  3. kemudian dimasukkan ke penggorengan yang menggunakan pasir putih sebagai minyaknya.
Diantara merek-merek kacang oven yaitu kacang oven produksi dari "Mulya Jaya" yang kini sudah mencapai pada tahap pengeksporan dan mencari distributor untuk mendistribusikan produknya baik dalam maupun luar negeri. Dan ada juga merk kacang Oven "Tahunan Putra" yang dapat anda temui di toko kacang Oven "Nut's" dengan harga 6.000 rupiah untuk seperempat kilogram dan 12.000 rupiah untuk setengah kilogram kacang Oven.

The Jepara's big turtle

This turtle is so much big. Turtle that this is not a turtle with super big real weight about 300 kilograms with a length of 2 meters were found in the fishing village of Jepara by Bondo, district of Jepara regency Bangsri made on 21 July 2008 years ago. The turtle statue who "dumped" on the beach kartini this may be inspired by the "Golden Slug" in the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta.

Finally, this year the turtle statue has been at perfection.
With this turtle will enhance the beauty of the beach Jepara Kartini. Of course, if you want to see the turtle, the rate will be entering the beach kartini of 5000 rupiah for one person. Rate is relatively inexpensive for the wealth of exotic nature.

Jepara's snack

Perhaps most of you already know the food was orog-orog, perhaps with a different name. Orog-orog, food-based sago is already known by many native citizens Jepara. Orog-orog usually used as snack outside eating hours. It's a fresh match combined with a variety of the preferred side dish. Orog-orog generally accompanied with krupuk, sate of buffalo skin or rambak, meatball, grated coconut and many more according to the taste of consumers.
General public area outside Jepara not know this type of food. And it's not what it seems.
Food orog-orog for a while this can be met only in traditional markets with the price of 500 rupiah for a bale. The price is very cheap compared to how make it complex.
Because before becoming Orog-orog, the first thing done is take the sago from the sugar palm tree, and ditumbuk (to destroy), and ditanak (cook), fried, and ditanak (cook) again. That if not the expert is usually the result does not satisfy.

STIENU JEPARA- Economic University of Jepara

School of Economics Nahdlatul ulama '(STIENU) Jepara can not be seen
fribble. Because, the universites form on 8 October 1997 with a permit operational RI SK Mendikbud No. 68/D/o/1997 with two course management (S1) and accounting (S1) features and value added that is not much different from the other universities that already exist first. STIENU Jepara who is now theme "Your Future is Bright Starting Here" has the facilities that boast, among others:

1. 3 storey building lectures with a representative plus Air Conditioner and use the LCD Projector.
2. Internet access online 24 hours and have a Hot Spot Area.
3. e-learning, make it easy for students to download at any time to gather materials and tasks.
4. Laboratory accounting for accounting students to be better trained and qualified, available also internet-based computer laboratory.
5. Based Digital Library.
6. Anjungan student information.
7. Anjungan internet free.
8. cafe internet campus.
9. Bank mica (Mini Campus), where students are required to work practices and transactions to meet the requirements of college.
10. Cooperative Business Partners.
11. Field Basketball, Volley ball, Table Tennis, and futsal.
12. Base Camp Unit Student Activities (USA)
13. Wall climbing.

While for the value added, including:

* Organizing a course that the direction of the economic development priorities.
* Holding the educational curriculum based on five competencies, the intensity and the Religion of Islam.
* Campus is located in the strategic environment and relevant to the course (meuble carved craft centers, rattan, and so forth).
* Can accept a transfer program of study and more.
* There is no state test (self test).
* The learning can be within 4 years.
* Provided scholarships for students who can not afford, and who is active in various student activities.
* And this is the most important points, namely: cost of education and the cost of living is relatively cheap and environment "wet land" to "learning by doing" is very possible for students to learn and work, and very practical for the "link and match".

Universities in the learning process on the energy profersional from lecturers in the university's assistance in the near future with STIENU as UNDIP and UMK, this acceptance of a new student system with "one day service", that is for prospective students who sign up can do entrance examination and can immediately see the results that day through one of the facilities provided STIENU the e-Learning.

STIENU Jepara always forward to better, it's evident with the various amenities that the more rapid progress.

More about STIENU Jepara?
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