School of Economics Nahdlatul ulama '(STIENU) Jepara can not be seen
fribble. Because, the universites form on 8 October 1997 with a permit operational RI SK Mendikbud No. 68/D/o/1997 with two course management (S1) and accounting (S1) features and value added that is not much different from the other universities that already exist first. STIENU Jepara who is now theme "Your Future is Bright Starting Here" has the facilities that boast, among others:
1. 3 storey building lectures with a representative plus Air Conditioner and use the LCD Projector.
2. Internet access online 24 hours and have a Hot Spot Area.
3. e-learning, make it easy for students to download at any time to gather materials and tasks.
4. Laboratory accounting for accounting students to be better trained and qualified, available also internet-based computer laboratory.
5. Based Digital Library.
6. Anjungan student information.
7. Anjungan internet free.
8. cafe internet campus.
9. Bank mica (Mini Campus), where students are required to work practices and transactions to meet the requirements of college.
10. Cooperative Business Partners.
11. Field Basketball, Volley ball, Table Tennis, and futsal.
12. Base Camp Unit Student Activities (USA)
13. Wall climbing.
While for the value added, including:
* Organizing a course that the direction of the economic development priorities.
* Holding the educational curriculum based on five competencies, the intensity and the Religion of Islam.
* Campus is located in the strategic environment and relevant to the course (meuble carved craft centers, rattan, and so forth).
* Can accept a transfer program of study and more.
* There is no state test (self test).
* The learning can be within 4 years.
* Provided scholarships for students who can not afford, and who is active in various student activities.
* And this is the most important points, namely: cost of education and the cost of living is relatively cheap and environment "wet land" to "learning by doing" is very possible for students to learn and work, and very practical for the "link and match".
Universities in the learning process on the energy profersional from lecturers in the university's assistance in the near future with STIENU as UNDIP and UMK, this acceptance of a new student system with "one day service", that is for prospective students who sign up can do entrance examination and can immediately see the results that day through one of the facilities provided STIENU the e-Learning.
STIENU Jepara always forward to better, it's evident with the various amenities that the more rapid progress.
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