Friday, October 2, 2009


Name : Lamp garnish
price : about US$5
shop : "Gubug Sungging Art" available in handycraft
address: Street RA. Kartini 57 Jatisari krapyak Tahunan-Jepara

Name : Candle garnish
Price : about US$2
shop : Gubug Sungging Art
Descriptions: lets make your candle no simplify again. you look in the under, that's fungi. the fungi made from coral. and where is the candle place? in the up. you look the wire in the fungi's back, lets go up, go up, you can find the candle place in there. the brown color.


do you have seen the coral craft like that?
it is just one from all coral craft that you can find in Kartini beach, Jepara Town. some kind of it's coral craft is tissue box (like in the up), vas, accessories, etc. the price of Tissue Box about US$4/item.
you can choose anycoralcraft do you want in Kartini beach directly with bergain price.